Portable Weekend

The weekend of the 1st and 2nd of August 2015 saw an informal activation at the Bunker.  Dave M0TAZ operated in the 2m low-power contest, while George M1GEO and Fred G3SVK operated in the European HF Championships.


The event gave us an opportunity to dry out some of the equipment from the previous weekend (RSGB IOTA) where we packed away in heavy rain.

A simple station setup consisting of Icom IC7100, SB200 amp and 3-element monobander for 20 metres. This was later swapped for a 4-element monobander for 15 metres.

A breakdown of the European HF Championships log can be found here, for those interested, and some maps here:

Screenshot - 100815 - 21:30:21



Meanwhile, Dave M0TAZ operated the 144 and 432 MHz low power contest (anything up to 25w from the transmitter), using a 12m mast and the 9-element portable Tonna beam.



The weather was ideal for sitting outside, and the activity levels were best described as moderate. Not as busy as the shorter UKAC contests, but the first 1 hour did coincide with the backpackers contest.



We managed to work into IN88, a first for M0TAZ. A few French stations, We didn’t hear any GW, GM, GD or GI.